Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy Halloween, 2010!

The fall was filled with many fun festivities especially Halloween. It was fun seeing Alex, I mean Spiderman, get into the Halloween holiday spirit.

To begin the scary holiday, the 3 Dampeer cousins (including Liam Steigner) posed in their Halloween jammies. Thanks Nana and Pop for the great kodak moment!

Alex enjoyed making his very own jack-o-lantern this year. Daddy carved the shapes that Alex requested.

Hopefully Tess can join in on the fun a little more next year!

Thanks to Alex's friend, Dominick Brown, he was able to dress up as Spidey this year.

I have a feeling he enjoyed playing the part :)

Thanks to Tess' friend, Calleigh Webster, she was able to dress up as Santa. Rudolph the red-nosed Sophee Dog didn't play the part as well as Santa...and Spidey!

Either Spidey is admiring Santa or Santa is entranced by Spidey's amazing web spinning powers.

Alex enjoyed trick or treating...

...he was a sucker for the suckers.

Another special treat on Halloween was a visit from Alex's buddies, Drew (Darth Vadar) and Jackson (Yoda) Reiter. Together, the three boys showed off their mighty costumes at a trunk and treat party Saturday evening before Halloween.

Not sure what was more fun, the candy rush or the trundle bed sleepover...and they actually slept through the night!

1 comment:

Laurie B said...

spidey is the best costume ever!!! hilarious and sooo cute!