Friday, June 12, 2009

Alex the green thumb

Boy is Alex the helper these days! Not only did he help pick out the veggie garden, he helped Nana plant the flowers that she got mom for Mother's Day. On second thought, maybe he just likes dirt...

Tomato plant, bell pepper plant, zucchini plant, cucumber plant, cantaloupe plant, watermelon plant, alex I said, Alex enjoyed picking out the veggie garden.

Alex must have a green thumb, these geraniums are now blooming. They were planted by Nana and Alex shortly after Mother's Day.

Someone liked the garden shovel! Thanks nana and pop for the house warming gift!

As mentioned before, Alex loves to help around the house, especially with watering the plants and flowers even though half the time he ends up watering himself!

Don't look's a caterpillar! Alex is a lot more brave then his aunt bridge and mama as he holds a tiny caterpillar. What fun he has had at the new house with all the wildlife...bunnies, baby bird nests, ducks, frogs, caterpillars...

1 comment:

Laurie B said...

so cute....i wish they sold that variety in new england!!!! have fun planting. sending loads of love to you guys. miss you.