Saturday, January 10, 2009

16 months already!

Our little man is really 16 months...can you believe it?? What a fun and very fast 16 months it is has been. Let's see what he is up to these days...


Snow shoeing?

Snow boarding?

...Not so much, but he is weighing in at 21 pounds and 5 oz (only the 6th percentile for weight).
He must be long and lean for his age as he is in the 55 percentile for height (must get that from his daddy).
Here's a few more things Alex is up to:
-Dancing...anytime music is on.
-Playing with anything in sight especially with blocks, balls and books.
-He can point many parts of his body, yes including his bottom as he points to it and says "butt" when he goes #2 (TMI I know but cross your fingers this makes for very smooth potty training!)
-Mr. Independent doesn't need any assistance with the stairs or getting off the couch and beds. He has mastered the backward decline method like a champ even though mom and dad are close by.
-Our little trash man is very tidy. He won't allow any trash to be sitting around as he will glady pick it up and take it to the trash can himself to throw it away. Anyone see my cellphone lately?haha.
-Chatty Alex has a mini vocabulary with the most popular word being "NO." Mama, Dada, ball, bath, light, bubble, down, wow, hi and as mentioned before, butt, are among the others we can identify.
-Loves baths still!...and showers.

-Has 6 teeth.
-Runs, not walks, on a normal basis.
-Can roar like a lion. And thinks a cat, dog, horse, etc does the same.
-Loves to feed the cat and turn on and off any light possible.
-Inhales any kind of fruit and yogurt. Not kidding, he can eat a pear in record time! He also likes his milk but really could care less about the other food groups.
-Eats with a spoon since his favorite cereal is grape joke and can eat it by himself.
-As the doctor says, he can understand a lot but is having a hard time conveying to us what he wants so it is causing some hard feelings AKA tantrums. Hopefully soon he can put his words together and teach us a thing or two about Alex's world.
-Finally as seen below, he is already driving at 16......................months!

Whew, he tires us out...we can't wait to see what he will do next!

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