She's growing like a weed!! Tess turned 3 months on 12/23/10. Her last doctor appointment was at 2 months and her next one is at 4 months old. She was almost 11 pounds at 2 months and she sure has grown since then. It will be fun to see her girth...I mean growth. Her baby rolls are adorable and mom and dad are happy to see her so healthy! She continues to be a wonderful and sweet baby girl! She already wants to stand, sit up and watch the world around her. She likes watching her big brother who adores her. She enjoys nap time, lunch time and bath time, in that order. Luckily, for mom, she is already a mama's girl! Her smiles including her one dimple are captured in her 3 month photos:
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tessa LoU at 3 months
Posted by
Kristee LoU, Andy, Alex and Tess
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Happy Holidays 2010!
Oh my, the holidays went by so fast!
Tree shopping:
"The tree" with nana, pop, dad, alex and tess representing the's a bit of where's waldo going on:
"I want a racetrack and Handy Manny please Santa:)"
O Dampeer Family Christmas Tree:
Alex's Daycare Christmas Program (no, it's not a solo even though he found the right side microphone):
Weeeeee. Lots of sledding on the Dampeer Hill!
Family effort minus Tess and Sophee:
Leaving treats for Santa on Tess' 1st Christmas:
Woohoo, Santa was here!
Posted by
Kristee LoU, Andy, Alex and Tess
Cousin Camaraderie
As always, I am a step behind.
Not only was Thanksgiving a thankful time with both sides of the family, but Aunt Claire and Cousin Liam blessesd us with their visit in South Bend and Chicago during the Turkey Day Holiday.
Alex and Liam enjoyed the Chicago Children's Museum:
Alex the fire fighter:
Alex over the suspension bridge:
Waterpark junky:
Aunt Claire with the tots (Tess and Liam):
Climber Alex:
Peek a boo Liam:
Concentration Cow:
Builder boys:
What a great day in Chi-town!!
Posted by
Kristee LoU, Andy, Alex and Tess
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Two month Tess
Although Tess is much older and much bigger, I wanted to post a few 2 month photo favorites.
Sleepy baby but not in this photo:
Lovin' her lion blankee:
Asleep as usual:
Not sure about the gym but loves the mobile in her crib!
1st ND game (vs Utah) tailgate:
Posted by
Kristee LoU, Andy, Alex and Tess
Like Daddy like kiddies
The photos below are a repeat from the newborn Alex days but I wanted to show the resemblances between Daddy and his offspring. When Alex was born many moons ago, he resembled his daddy alot..and it is is fun to see how Tess weighs in too!
Daddy Andrew Laine at one month:
Big bro Alex at one month:
Tessa Lou at one month: (not the best photo but the litlle lady dislikes tummy time a lot!)
Posted by
Kristee LoU, Andy, Alex and Tess