Monday, October 29, 2007

Two month Alex Update...

Now that Alex is 2 months old I thought I would bring you all up to speed on his new developments and fun facts.

RASH: Alex's rash is completely gone...the culprit: WALNUTS! Mom and dad were finally happy to have an answer to Alex's discomfort.
FOOD: Alex is still eating very well and still growing like a weed. His next doctor's appointment is next week. We are excited to see how much he weighs...but are not excited for him to get his shots.
SLEEP: Alex is sleeping very well...he will go 5-7 hours a night of straight sleep...woohoo for ma and pa. However, on some occasions, he will protest his beautiful crib and prefer to get his zzz's in his swing.
BATHTIME: We are not sure if Alex likes the warm water or being naked but he sure is a trooper when it comes to bathtime.
ALERT: Alex is loving his honeybee mobile above his crib, and also enjoys the barking dog on his bouncer. He will stare at each for a long time. He will look at books and toys but so far he is not interested in holding or touching them. It is fun to see his face light up when we talk to him.
SUPER POWERS: Alex started walking...kidding!...however he has some strong legs and will stand on mom and dads laps especially if he is angry. He continues to hold his neck up and look around the room.
ON THE MOVE: Alex is happy to go jogging or riding in the car with mom and dad. He enjoys any kind of rocking or noise...thank goodness.
Alex is smiling more and more...we can't wait to see what he learns next...

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